EP23: 走进音乐厅的灵歌(「寻找正宗的蓝调」系列之五)

黑人提升自己音乐地位的努力,终于经过灵歌获得了成功。主要聊聊几位著名的黑人音乐人,James Reese Europe,Will Marion Cook,Henry Burleigh,Nathaniel Dett,Marian Anderson。

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Horowitz, J. (2001). Dvořák and Boston. American Music, 19(1), 3-17.

Adam Gingery, Dvořák and the American Connection

Fenner, Thomas P. (1874) Cabin and plantation songs : as sung by the Hampton students. New York: G.P. Putnam's sons.

Fenner, Thomas P; Cleaveland, Bessie; Rathbun, Frederic G; Hampton Institute; De Vincent Collection of American Sheet Music (1901) Cabin and plantation songs as sung by the Hampton students. New York: London, G.P. Putnam's sons.

Fenner, Thomas P; Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (Va.) (1909) Religious folk songs of the Negro as sung on the plantations, Hampton, Va.: Institute Press.

Carter, M. G. (2008). Swing along: the musical life of Will Marion Cook. New York: Oxford University Press.

Walker, W. T. (1979). "Somebody's calling my name": Black sacred music and social change. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press.

Seroff, D. (2001). “A voice in the wilderness”: The Fisk Jubilee singers’ civil rights tours of 1879–1882. Popular Music and Society, 25(1-2), 131–177.

Graham, S. (2006). On the Road to Freedom: The Contracts of the Fisk Jubilee Singers. American Music, 24(1), 1.

Carter, M. G. (2008). Swing along: the musical life of Will Marion Cook. New York: Oxford University Press.

Walton, L. A., White, L. H., K., A. W., & White, L. H. (1978). Black-Music Concerts in Carnegie Hall, 1912-1915. The Black Perspective in Music, 6(1), 71.

Brooks, T. & Spottswood, R. K. (2004). Lost sounds: blacks and the birth of the recording industry, 1890-1919. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


Symphony No. 9 in E Minor, Op. 95, B.178: 1. Adagio - Allegro molto,Antonin Dvorak 作曲,Istvan Kertesz/London Symphony Orchestra 演奏,1967,Decca

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,Wallace Willis/Minerva Willis 词曲,Fisk University Jubilee Quartet 演唱,1909,Victor

Too Much Mustard,Cecil Macklin 作曲,James Europe/Europe’s Society Orchestra 演奏,1913,Victor

Too Much Mustard,Cecil Macklin 作曲,Victor Military Band 演奏,1913,Victor

Clarinet Marmalade,Larry Shields/Henry Ragas 作曲,Original Dixieland Jass Band 演奏,1918,Victor

Clarinet Marmalade,Larry Shields/Henry Ragas 作曲,Lt. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Inf. (Hell Fighters) Band 演奏,1919,Pathe

Swing Along,Will Marion Cook 词曲,Will Marion Cook/Afro-American Folk Song Singers 演唱,1914,Columbia

Listen to the Lambs,传统灵歌,Hampton Quartette 演唱,1917,未出版

Listen to the Lambs,R Nathaniel Dett 作曲,William L. Dawson/Tuskegee Institute Choir 演唱,1954,Westminster

In the Bottoms: No. 5, Juba Dance,R Nathaniel Dett 作曲,Percy Grainger 演奏,1917,Columbia

Deep River,传统灵歌,Harry Burleigh 改编,Marian Anderson/Kosti Vehanen 唱奏,1938,Victor

Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen,传统灵歌,Harry Burleigh 改编,Oscar Seagle 演唱,1917,Columbia

Go Down Moses,传统灵歌,Harry Burleigh 改编/演唱,1919,Broome

Marian Anderson Sings at the Lincoln Memorial, April 9, 1939,Marian Anderson/Kosti Vehanen 唱奏,1939,Hearst Metrotone News

Negro Folk Symphony - I. The Bond of Africa, William L Dawson 作曲,Yannick Nézet-Séguin/Philadelphia Orchestra, 2023, Deutsche Grammophon

On patrol in no man's land,James Reese Europe/Nobel Sissle/Eubie Blake 词曲,Lt. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Inf. (Hell Fighters) Band 演奏,1919,Pathe

Jean,Frank Lebby Stanton 词/Henry Burleigh 曲,Nellie Melba/Landon Ronald 唱奏,1910,未出版

In the Bottoms - Barcarolle,R Nathaniel Dett 作曲/演奏,1919,Broome

Listen to the Lambs,R Nathaniel Dett 作曲,Nathaniel Dett Chorale 演唱,2002,Marquis Classics
